Creating a readable dashboard
Based on the user flows and the product requirement gathered, I designed multiple versions of each interface to diverge and weigh the pros and cons.
To address this, filters and progress visualizations were utilized to give a high level overview to track a bulk action.
Visualizing fleet progress
A data visualization was needed to show the progress of the action over time. Each vehicle’s status was determined by its stage of completing the action such as Scheduled, Error, and Completed.
The progress visualization shows the distribution of the vehicles’ statuses at a quick glance.
Initial exploration
I started brainstorming different directions of how to visualize the vehicle statuses. The most prominent options included the line graph, area chart, pie chart, and progress bar.
Based on user and fellow design feedback, the bar was the most clear to understand at a quick glance.
Digging deeper...
I tweaked the progress bar so that the percentages for each status was still readable no matter how small or large the percentage. I created scorecards so that users would see the numbers first and could skim easily.
Results from first iteration
Splitting Bulk Action dashboard into two tabs: Details and Progress
Throughout the layout ideation and iterations, I received feedback from design, engineering, and product throughout and maintained consistent communication. Some of the key pieces of feedback included:
- Insights from the page are not actionable
- Progress doesn’t feel clickable or interactive
- Landing page is not beginner friendly
- Wording between the bulk action list and detail view is confusing